Why marketers love Google lens ?


The fusion between Mobile cameras and AR (augmented reality) has affected positively the world of marketing. Google introduced Google lens in 2017, this technology pushed and motivated marketers to improve their digital marketing to recruit more clients through Google lens.

  • Ad promotion : Marketers can focus their efforts on using Qr codes, or printed URLS with the help of google lens to improve user experience through google. Customer centricity Is the key to driving up sales and adopting this point can generate more sales.
  • E-commerce : Optimized images can help google lens identify you brand and products easily when a user scan a product. Add image ( marshall)
  • Brand Imaging: Ensuring that your brand has a consistent and clear logo design that is easily distinguishable will be imperative for Google Lens success. If you have a storefront, making sure that your sign is visible from the street is also necessary for Google Lens to recognize the user’s location.

What marketers can gain from Google lens ?


  • Ad promotion : Marketers can focus their efforts on using Qr codes, or printed URLS with the help of google lens to improve user experience through google. Customer centricity Is the key to driving up sales and adopting this point can generate more sales.


  • E-commerce : Optimized images can help google lens identify you brand and products easily when a user scan a product. Add image ( marshall).


  • Brand Imaging : Ensuring that your brand has a consistent and clear logo design that is easily distinguishable will be beneficial for your Google Lens success. If you have a store, make sure that your sign is visible so Google Lens can recognize the location.

I hope this small dive into the world of digital marketing was enriching and helpful.

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Written by :

Abdelkarim Ennakhla a 24 year old Digital marketing student at Audencia, passioned about mobile photography and in love with the beauty of sunsets.